Efficient Structures for Healthy Communities

By Stefan Duma

Architecture, as We intend it, is not just aesthetics of volumes but an intricate and harmonic sum of multidisciplinary arts, combining science and creativity to shape our communities. If traditionally relegated in a second place, structure design represents the true backbone of every construction, making possible projections of beauty, functionality, comfort and safety that our clients desire for each project. It is in locations like California that engineers are truly challenged to address natural hazards like seismic risk without compromising on safety and provide structural systems that guarantee resilience and sustainability to our build environment. 

At MOBBIL we pride ourselves on delivering smart structural solutions using affordable approaches. We believe in simplicity of lines designed with technical expertise, integrating traditional construction systems proven in time with innovative techniques and materials.

While our final goal is to create pleasing, functional and affordable projects, it is in our modus operandi that lays our key to success. MOBBIL identifies its essence in a multidisciplinary team that favors continuous interchange between multiple expertize ranging from architecture to structures, from civil engineering to MEP systems or construction management. We practice integrated design for every project allowing us to reduce if not eliminate, design errors and project variances, so costly in terms of time and budget.

Under the framework of restrictive code rules, a good engineer has enough space to create ad innovate design methods aiming to reduce costs and increase efficiency. We believe in minimalistic design, shaping our new buildings to accommodate efficient structural elements in the right locations and avoiding oversizing and last minute structural patching. We also believe in the golden rule of sustainability, the most sustainable building is the one already built. Therefore, MOBBIL takes active part in remodeling and retrofitting our city’s built environment with numerous projects. With precise and aimed structural interventions, like providing shear walls, designing moment frames or correct anchorage to the foundation, we restore comfort and safety to the building.

In US, it is believed that in the next 20 years, an area equivalent to 3.5 times the entire building environment of the country will be redesigned, reshaped and rebuilt globally. We at MOBBIL INC look forward to be a part of this process and help shape our communities towards a safer, more beautiful and prosperous future.